Hi lovely friends and clients,
I hope that everyone and your loved ones are remaining well at this unprecedented period in our lives. These are challenging times indeed for everyone and let us hope that the world as a collective gets on top of the virus ASAP and life can return to its normal rhythm.
Things have moved at such great speed, I don’t think any of us would have foreseen the necessity to “mothball“ the studio for a while but clearly that is now what must happen.
I did feel it was important however, to find a way of continuing our sessions for a number of reasons - the main one being our health!
I was only saying to my clients two weeks ago, how important it is at a time like this to practise regularly good breathing techniques to keep all of the alveoli in the lungs as healthy as possible. This principle obviously feeds into the importance of moving, stretching and strengthening etc to keep the whole body as healthy as we possibly can. I also mentioned that it was in the 1919 flu pandemic that Joseph Pilates instigated his wonderful method of exercise whilst he was interned in a prison camp in Lancaster, UK as he was a German national. He helped so many inmates remain healthy by teaching them his exercises and getting them out in the yard for breathing and fresh air.
So, with this in mind, from next week and for the foreseeable future we will be moving our Pilates classes online via a piece of software called Zoom.
I am still working on the best ways to utilise this software (e.g. maybe a specific session for those with back issues) but I will continue to brainstorm this over the coming days and will obviously keep everyone updated by email and on our website www.pilatesmk.com.
In the interim, please find below the instructions on how to download Zoom and attend a meeting (apologies for those of you already au fait with this). I am including a link to Zoom’s own help area which includes an introductory video.
1. Classes will take place at the same time as usual – just from now on, you will get an invite from the teacher – either via email or text message – to join the class. There will be extra sessions added.
2. All you will initially need to do is to download Zoom on the device you want to use – this can be on an iPad or other tablet, your notebook or laptop or your desktop.
3. Position your device where you can see the screen and – ideally, I can see you.
4. You will NOT need a Zoom ID to attend a class so no need to create one.
5. When you run Zoom, obviously have your camera on throughout the class but only have your microphone on at the start – so we can all say Hello! – and then at the end in case you have any questions or want a catch up with friends.
6. I will be able to see you so no sitting on the sofa with a glass of wine!!
7. And – DON’T feel the need to tidy up your room – I certainly won’t be!!
8. At the end of the class, just click on “Leave Meeting”.
This is a link to the Support page at Zoom which has a short video about how it works and links to where the software can be downloaded from - https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362193-Joining-a-Meeting
This is all going to be new and a complete learning curve for all of us – especially me – so please be patient as we work out together how best to keep our Pilates going
over the next few (?!?) months. You will also be able to use this facility to make up missed sessions. It would be great if you can let me know that you will be attending the classes and have got Zoom set up successfully. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me! I have picked up so much over the last few days and I know this will work!
It will be a lot of trial and error, I’m sure, to begin with but with humour and laughter we will get there!!!!! I really look forward to getting back in touch with you all next week!
Stay safe & well,
Sending love,
Caron xx